The new Canadian currency. Controversial and state of the art.

The new Canadian currency. Controversial and state of the art.
The new Canadian currency. Controversial and state of the art.

You may have noticed some odd looking 50 or 100 dollar bills showing up in your wallet of late.  The Canadian government minted them after much research and development.

They are claiming them to be the most difficult to counterfeit ever.  The bill is made completely of polymer.  The cutting edge security features are considerable.  Courtesy of the Bank of Canada website, here are some ways to determine if you have an authentic bill.
  1. Notice the smooth texture of the note.  It's a single piece of polymer as mentioned above. 
  2. Feel the raised ink of the large number. The shoulders of the Queen and the bank of Canada text should all be raised. 
  3. Next look at the two transparent windows.  There's a large window that has a metallic portrait and building.  Tilt the note. You should see sharp colour changes of the building. 
  4. Around the window you should be able to see small numbers, some of which are reversed.  Leaves should cross into it. 
  5. Flip the note over and see the same security features repeated on the back. 
  6. Finally, hold the note up to a small light source. Look through the frosted window towards the small light.  You should see a small circle of numbers appear.
Counterfeiters have their work cut out for them this time.  Although with all the tilting and viewing, you may feel the bills are more like one of the view masters you used to look through as a kid, then actual currency.

It�s worth noting the 20 dollar bill, slated for release in November has already raised some eyebrows.  The bill features the World War I Vimy War memorial from Northern France.  On the memorial are figures representing Justice and Peace.  As well there are figures of Hope, Charity, Honor and Faith.  The statues are symbolized by unclad statues.  Focus groups with people unfamiliar with the memorial were reported to have claimed the 20 dollar bill was pornographic; and they thought the memorial was actually a tribute to the toppled World Trade Towers.

A definite positive for the new bills however; they will last twice as long as paper notes, thus saving tax payers millions over time.

For more details on the bills you can view this video on our Facebook page.
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