Making Your Password Un-hack able

Making Your Password Un-hack able
Making Your Password Un-hack able
Making Your Password Un-hack able

Although this blog tends to give advice about financial matters, we know many of your finance decisions are reliant on online sites, all of which use a password.

Pretend your password is like your house key. Would you leave a copy of it places? Your password and house key are the most important positions you own. Your keys give you access to your own private life keep them safe. Just as you protect your house key you need to re evaluate your passwords to make them impenetrable.

Here are a few tips to make your pass word the best so that only Nassau engineers can crack it?

One example is the old pass word loadbearing
Can change into this new one L0aD#8ea5in9

Is it personal
� Any password should not be personal. Do not use your pets name, the date of birth of anyone you know, memorable year, postal code, phone number! Pick anything that is not predictable or able to be made reference to.

It�s always better if it�s longer
� The longer the password, the stronger it gets, the harder it is to hack and crack. Hackers can hack an alphanumerical character password within hours.
� Ideally it should be a minimum of 10 characters long.

Spice it up
� Use numbers instead of letters, e.g. flowers becomes f10wer5
� Use random Uppercase and lowercase letters, even run the word backwards, e.g. serendipity becomes ytIpiDneReS
� Use your favorite phrase but make use only the first letter of each word, e.g. �I Love You In The Morning And In The Afternoon� becomes ILYITMAITA
� Now add all of the different styles together along with picking numbers to fill in for letters and make sure you switch up your capitals and lowercase letters.

Treat your Passwords like your facecloth, fresh
� You will be changing your password regularly, preferably weekly. Here is how to make it manageable. Every week when you change your password go up a number, you have use in it, e.g. L0aD#8ea5in9 next week it could change to L0aD#8ea5in10

Keep it private
� Make sure the padlock symbol shows you have a secure connection before you continue. The padlock means that the SSL connection is secure so you can use credit cards on it.
� Never log into your personal account using a public computer. Like hotels, business centers or computer cafe�s. You don�t know if someone has installed software that records your keystrokes to be used to defraud you.

� Don�t click on links that are attached or embedded into your e-mail. Instead type them into the web browser to make sure your connection is not diverted through unsecure territory.

Do you use file-sharing websites like LimeWire? If you do understand that you are leaving your hard drive open to strangers to peek into while you transfer files.

Update Now. Every chance you get to update you�re your system security and all programs do it whenever you can. Microsoft, Firefox, Apple, and all others are continually sending out updates to better protect you. They are filling patches and writing code to fix any problems in their programs. It�s in your best interest to Update Now.

Use common sense when surfing the net if offers are to good to be true they probably are. Protect you and your family by fortifying your password. For more information contact us at
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