Conserve on Household Energy and put Money in your Pocket

Conserve on Household Energy and put Money in your Pocket
Conserve on Household Energy and put Money in your Pocket

Have you tried cutting down on your Tim Horton�s coffee every day to see how much money you save? Often it�s the little things that can save a lot of money year round. When energy prices are rising, you may ask yourself, �How can I reduce my costs and save money on energy?� The federal government is bringing back the popular eco ENERGY Retrofit for Homes Grants Program, which assists eligible homeowners to receive grants up to $5000.00. It is important to have an energy evaluation completed before any work begins. On average, the program saves 20 percent on the energy bill. Apart from applying for the Retrofit Program, here are a few helpful tips below that you could consider implementing to start saving immediately:

  • Install dimmer switches to use less electricity. Keep your fridge and freezer full since food acts as an insulator to maintain a certain temperature. Install a Programmable Thermostat then set the temperature lower at night and when you are away.

  • Install ceiling fans to keep the air circulating in your home and your air conditioner won't have to work so hard.

  • Wash laundry in cold water - 90% of the energy consumed by your washing machine is used to heat water. Turn the dial to cold, and lower the bill. Line dry your laundry and let Mother Nature dry your laundry.

  • Switch to CFL bulbs. CFL light bulbs use four times less energy than incandescent bulbs. Install Motion Sensors - motion sensors can be installed both inside and outside the home to ensure that lights only come on when needed.
  • Turn Off Heat/Dry on Your Dishwasher.

  • Install a Programmable Thermostat.

  • Install Low Flow Shower Heads. The less water flowing through your shower head means less water to heat.

  • Eliminate �Phantom� Electrical Use. A surprising 75% of the energy used by home electronics is consumed when they're turned off. These "phantom" users include: televisions, VCRs, stereos, computers, basically anything that holds a time or other settings. Plug all of these items into power strips and then get into the habit of turning off the strips until you use them.

Making your home energy efficient as well as saving money can keep your dollars in your pocket so you don�t have to stress about making high monthly payments. But if you can afford an energy audit, remember the government is willing to give you a rebate of half of the cost or up to $150.00 if you are not able to find a company to give you an estimate for free. For more valuable information, visit

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